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    Richard Wurmbrand: The Man and His Work

    Richard Wurmbrand: The Man and His Work

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    Richard Wurmbrand, a Romanian Jew saved by grace, dedicated his life to serve God and was used mightily for His glory. Imprisoned for 14 years in Communist Romania for his faith in Christ, he was called to tell the world of the persecution of Christians.

    The fire of affliction that he faced ignited a flame that could not be quenched. On escaping to the West in 1965, Pastor Wurmbrand in 1967 founded a ministry that would become the voice for persecuted Christians.

    Richard Wurmbrand proclaimed to the free world the truth of the atrocities carried out by godless men against the children of God. Told here is the story of the man and his work.

    "This book documents the ministry that emerged from a life unreservedly surrendered to the will of the God he so loved and served."

    —John Wilson, Executive Director of VOM Australia


    Author: Merv Knight
    Edition: Paperback
    Length: 125 pp.
    Topic/Country: Richard Wurmbrand; persecution, imprisonment, solitary confinement, ministry

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